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Home News Europe Nearly 60% of EU Internet Users Shop Online

Nearly 60% of EU Internet Users Shop Online
added: 2013-10-18

Internet access in the EU28 is widespread and today people use the internet for a wide range of activities, among others to order goods and services online. In the EU28 in 2012, 75% of individuals aged 16 to 74 had used the internet in the previous 12 months, and nearly 60% of these internet users reported that they had shopped online. Among the Member States, the highest shares of online shoppers were registered in the United Kingdom (82% of internet users), Denmark and Sweden (both 79%), Germany (77%), Luxembourg (73%) and Finland (72%), and the lowest in Romania (11%), Bulgaria (17%), Estonia and Italy (both 29%).

Internet users in the United Kingdom lead for online purchases of clothes and food, in Sweden for travel, in Luxembourg for books

In the EU28, ordering clothes & sports goods and booking travel & holiday accommodation are the most common online purchases amongst internet users. For both clothes & sports goods and travel & holiday accommodation, one third of internet users purchased online during the previous 12 months (both 32% in 2012 compared with 21% in 2008). Almost one quarter of internet users in the EU28 reported that they bought books, magazines or e-learning material from the internet (23% in 2012 compared with 19% in 2008), while fewer than one internet user in ten ordered food & groceries online (9% in 2012 compared with 6% in 2008).

Among Member States in 2012, the United Kingdom (51%) and Germany (49%) had the highest shares of internet users having purchased clothes & sports goods online in the previous 12 months. Sweden (60%) had the highest proportion reporting that they booked travel & holiday accommodation online, followed by Denmark (56%). Buying books, magazines or e-learning material online was most common in Luxembourg (47%) and Germany (41%). The United Kingdom (21%) was the leading Member State for online food & grocery shopping, while in the majority of Member States this share was 10% or less.

Source: Eurostat

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